The "rich poor" on the island of Ré and the reform of the ISF
(Jean-Louis Andreani). It was one of the best lobbying operations ever carried out against tax on capital. Within months, Constancin Valerie, 42, president since 2002 of the Defense Association of the inhabitants of the island of Ré (Adhir), has achieved the impossible: to convince politicians and the media that the island of Ré the poor pay taxes for the rich.
On June 8 press conference in Paris of Adhir. The 15 letter to all MPs and senators, the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and Ministers of Bercy demanding "the removal of the ISF or, failing that, his reform." And on Sept. 14, the government announced a major tax reform which de facto limits the weight of the ISF. Until several bills designed to lighten the tax from becoming amendments to the draft budget being debated in Parliament soon.
's argument Ms. Constancin is simple: she defends small retirees subject to the ISF because they own houses or land affected by rising prices, spectacular in this ultra-chic island. Some are driven to sell their only asset, a small shack of a fisherman or farmer inherited from their parents. For a bit, thanks to the activism of this very political entrepreneur, originally from mainland and married to a Rétais, the TFR would have become the main social problem of the island, far ahead of that of many young people forced to leave, unable to afford housing ...
Yet a Rétais low-income, owner of a small country house with his bit of garden, is hardly threatened by the ISF. Such property does not meet the current threshold for triggering the tax (720 000), as evidenced by the ads on site.
And even if it was for our little shack with white walls, the tax would be very low. A house of 750 000 is indeed subject to a rate of 0.55% ISF, but only for a fraction of its value above 720 000 euro (30,000 euro). Is an annual tax of 165 euros plus: the main residence has a 20% discount; dependents and borrowings are taken into account. Thus, the owner of a principal residence of 750 000 euros pays nothing. Therefore
Rétais taxpayers in trouble with the ISF are rather own multiple homes and / or building land. They sometimes add a strong heritage furniture (stocks, etc..) Whose sole income sufficient to pay their ISF: one of the members of Adhir imposed for about 15,000 euros, says values securities for more than 1.3 million.
But the ISF is a tax "declarative" and these taxpayers have never emerged or have underestimated their heritage. The Rétais who sold a plot of buildable land to pay the ISF are, essentially, large landlords adjusted by the tax over several years ...
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