development of housing supply is Paris
Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister for Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing, presented a paper on the development of housing supply.
France has a housing crisis, which particularly affects households with modest incomes or means, and for many regions and most major cities. This crisis is mainly due to a very poor level of construction over the past decade, that needs to relaunch today in a massive and sustainable housing.
Faced with this crisis, the Government has already adopted in June 2004 the Social Cohesion Plan in order to increase the supply of rental housing available in the public park and in the private and social access to the property. These shares were added to the mechanism of investment aid private rental "Robien, created in 2003 and has contributed to the revival of the level of construction, expected to reach 400,000 housing starts this year. Finally, the Government launched soon 2003 an ambitious urban renewal scheme to restore a better quality of life for all people living in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
The Government has decided to give new impetus to its policy for housing. The objective is firstly to reinforce the actions already undertaken by mobilizing land resources more efficiently, and also to intervene more broadly across the housing chain.
It decided to initiate a national plan including the following main measures:
- the mobilization of land: the State will set an example by mobilizing its own land to allow the start of construction of 20,000 homes in 3 years; parallel, local communities will be encouraged to develop policies and tools much more ambitious land for housing, in addition, fiscal measures will be proposed to encourage the construction and fight against the retention property, and finally, the Government wishes to encourage reflection, in consultation with local elected officials on a better consideration of the construction effort in the resources of Commons.
- the development of social rental housing supply: there is provided a marked improvement loans from the cash deposits Consignments and the creation of loans dedicated to land acquisition, and finally accelerating the payment of state subsidies for social housing organizations.
- Recovery of intermediate housing in large cities suffering from a shortage of supply between social housing and housing law: a decrease in the rate of loans has been decided for the intermediate rental, also a new device reducing the cost of the purchase of housing by owners of modest means will be studied and, finally, it is envisaged to better target incentive device current tax on areas with tight market.
- the development of home ownership: it is proposed to open a loan at 0% to more households; to apply a VAT rate of 5.5% for social access in neighborhoods in urban renewal to revive the lease assumption, and finally, it is planned to develop "home to 100 000 €" for which a charter will be signed soon with local officials and professionals.
- finally, the human tragedies that occurred this summer lead to initiate as soon as possible a specific plan increased supply of housing for the poor, including emergency housing 5000 and inserting spaces and 5000 serviced apartments with a social purpose.
All these measures with other measures relating to access to housing, business modernization, improving the quality of the park and the fight against substandard housing, forms a coherent action plan whose legislative elements will be presented to Parliament in November 2005 during the discussion of the "bill on national commitment to housing." Through its
scale, this plan will need to mobilize all national and local actors involved in the field of housing: operators, financiers, communities, etc.. For its part, the state will mobilize all relevant ministries and for better coordination, and creates an interdepartmental committee chaired by the Prime Minister and led by an interministerial delegate placed with the Minister for Employment, Social Cohesion and housing.
With this new comprehensive plan for housing, the state continues and expands its activities in this priority area and therefore meets one of the top expectations the French.
An interdepartmental committee for the development of housing supply has also been created. Chaired by the Prime Minister, this committee will set the direction of government policy on development of housing supply, and addressing in particular the political mobilization of land resources. In addition, Jean-Pierre Beysson, was appointed ministerial delegate for the development of housing supply. Its mission is to provide the secretariat of the interministerial committee and ensure consistency between the guidelines set by the committee and those adopted in construction and urban planning.
PRESS RELEASE Paris, October 5, 2005
Ministry of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing
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