Monday, February 25, 2008

Dogs Drink Breast Milk

Profession of faith

LIST WITH 100% Left composed of members of the LCR, and other leftists, labor activists and associations. Simple and Toulon (es) who love their city. led by Fahima LAIDOUDI, 45, private employment, labor activist and associative

For the future of our city, 9 and 16 March 2008, we go to the polls municipal elections.
Candidate for mayor of Toulon, I agreed to conduct this list so that finally each Toulon (e) is not forgotten.
Yes! Toulon must move forward, but with everyone. The recent dramatic shift mayors marred the image of Toulon. It is now a bygone era, but the underlying problems are not all treated and there are still too many left behind.

Download the Profession of Faith in pdf format (80 KB)

COMBAT unemployment and insecurity.

I will lift the innings with my team to finally make work a priority. Unemployment is far be resolved (we are part of one of the cities most affected with an official rate of 12%, but the reality is much worse with more great job insecurity and many assisted contracts).

- We tenure held all municipal employees precarious.
- Large companies established in free zones must meet the fiscal contract that is one third of employees hired from the zones, and reimburse the state aid if they do not respect this law.
- We must encourage the installation of small and medium enterprises, particularly those who hire them.


Social housing is also our priority, several studies have pointed to our city on this crucial issue, lack of housing, rents unaffordable for much of Toulon (es).

For a better and fair distribution

past three years, Toulon Habitat defends himself by explaining that he prefers the path of rehabilitation than building new social houses. But here we are with many broken families because of lack of housing, women, men and children placed in emergency shelters. All solutions must be implemented, rehabilitation, construction, purchase ...

Youth and Social Housing

Toulon has only 82 housing units for young workers, while the actual requirements amounted to over 280 dwellings. It is urgent to build more homes in the direction of all these kids. No project of hospitality and accommodation provided is fit for seasonal workers in Toulon.


- We are favorable to the tramway which should make traffic more fluid and less polluting.
- We will facilitate the access to transport services, offer free buses to the poor.


We will implement a bylaw to ban water shortages and electricity faced by the poor. We will sign and we will implement the charter of the water that the city of Toulon has not signed since 1998, contrary to all major cities in France. It will avoid the water shortages faced by the poor. We will better policy towards early childhood education, more nurseries, aid associations that fight against insecurity, for education and culture.


Through workshops citizen I looked seriously at this issue. Faced with the imposing Centre Carrefour expands its tentacles, we must give back space towards small trader until crushed by the massive commercialization. Small businesses must reinvest and revitalize downtown. The locations of parking downtown should become accessible to many. We therefore advocate the provision of certain free to revitalize downtown.


Toulon is the sunniest town in France, with a super mistral, all this energy is not exploited as it should, measures to promote renewable energy will be for less pollution, a cleaner air and cheaper bills. We must also consider in consultation with all stakeholders to better transport policy and the fight against pollution, to best integrate existing solutions such as solar energy.

course there are still many things to say and do many projects in mind, I can certainly assure you that I will put all my energy for all Toulon in order to realize the most important are the heart of your concerns such as employment housing, education.

activist for years of poor service, my speech is very sincere, I am a person who forgets solidarity. If you made the choice to elect me I promise for greater democracy, listening and participation, a city where the sun finally shines for everyone.

"The municipal elections of March 2008 are an opportunity to say at the polls our rejection of government policy, his local supporters and say that another left is possible.
I strongly support the list led by Fahima Laidoudi "

Olivier Besancenot, spokesman of the LCR


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